Soo: [Kali dVostog] "Going to go out on a limb here and say we should run right about now, folks."
Kyle: [Bailey Hunt] "Sounds like a plan. Leg it everyone, back to the hotel."
Ian: [Mari Shasho] Mari doesn't even wait for a plan and starts running for it.
Joe: [GR-210] GR crawls off, depressed at the lack of executions to be made. "My batteries are fueled with the blood of the unjust! Why do you deprive me?!"
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "One, no they aren't, I know because I have to change them. Two, they weren't the unjust."
Kyle: [OOC] Unkempt maybe, but not unjust.
Joe: [OOC] Then Mari is unjust for killing them, therefore I can drink her blood instead.
Ian: [OOC] We are not murdering my character.
Joe: [OOC] Not 'we'. ME. Like I'd share the experience for that.
Dane: [GM] You arrive at the hotel, having sprinted there and appearing to have not been followed. When you get there, you feel the SUDDEN URGE TO BE IN CHARACTER.
Kyle: [Bailey Hunt] Bailey pants and rests his hands on his knees. "Okay, sah we got a lead. Granted we may have committed some felonies to get it, but we got a lead."
Joe: [GR-210] "GR-210 agrees. The lives of people who are not ourselves are worthless. I support your new, efficient lifestyle Bailey Hunt".
Kyle: [Bailey Hunt] Bailey suddenly just feels a bit dirty inside.
Kyle: [OOC] There's something about Joe's approval, even in character, that's just mildly corrosive to the soul.
Ian: [Mari Shasho] "I'm sorry. I panicked. I though Bailey would get hurt. We got a lead anyhow. Let's follow it."
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "Yes," Kali says, nodding. "The supplier. Especially if we're there poking around, we seem less involved in that little... er... incident."
Kyle: [Bailey Hunt] "Shall we then? There's only one in town, based on the info Mari got. Shouldn't be too hard to find."
Soo: [Kali dVostog] Kali nods. "Then let us away."
Dane: [GM] Rothberg Suppliers Co. is the only shop selling hiking gear and survey equipment in town. It's fairly large establishment, probably one of the reasons why it's the only one in town.
Joe: [OOC] I don't remember saying I was ready to go.
Dane: [GM] Were you?
Joe: [OOC] Yes, of course, but it's the principle of the thing.
Ian: [Mari Sasho] Mari walks into the shop, looking around.
Dane: [GM] The shop's walls are full of camping gear and rope of every imaginable size. A display of climbing axes is over on the wall, clearly arranged artful by some bored clerk. The counter is at the far end of the store.
Dane: [Fredrich Rothberg] Fredrich Rothberg is a fairly built man who clearly uses a lot of the hiking gear he sells. He smiles from under a large beard. "Well hello there. Don't think I've seen you all in town before. Hiking party?"
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "Oh hello sir. Actually we're looking for someone in town and we were told he may have visited here." Kali walks over to Fredrich and holds out her photo of Dillon Johnson. "About a week ago perhaps?"
Dane: [Fredrich Rothberg] "Hmm, don't think I've ever seen him before. Looks too city-bred to be up here hiking."
Joe: [OOC] I'm sensing his motives.
Soo: [OOC] What?
Joe: [OOC] I'm rolling to see if he's lying. It's a thing, trust me.
Dane: [GM] I'll be blunt, Rothberg is CLEARLY lying.
Joe: [GR-210] "Warning! I detect bullshit here."
Kyle: [OOC] *facepalm*
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "Is that so GR? Mr. Rothberg, my associate seems to think you're being less than truthful."
Dane: [Fredrich Rothberg] Fredrich seems less than pleased at this, understandably. "Well I never! Some little robot spider spouts its mouth off in my store?"
Joe: [OOC] Kyle, Ian, tackle him! Keep him from getting to the climbing axes.
Kyle: [Bailey Hunt] Bailey gets defensive!
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "Now now everyone, I'm sure we're all just getting off on the wrong foot." She walks over to the display of climbing axes on the wall.
Joe: [OOC] Good idea! A weapon will offset your low strength score.
Soo: [Kali dVostog] Kali picks out a the nicest one she can find on the shelf and walks back to the group.
Ian: [Mari Shasho] Mari looks around nervously.
Ian: [OOC] Normally I'd stop this, but I think my unjustified homicide count is up for the day.
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "I'd like to purchase three of these, if you have them. And some cold weather clothes for myself and my two non-robot associates."
Soo: [OOC] Money is the best diplomacy.
Joe: [OOC] You owe me paper. I already started fanart of you axing this guy.
Dane: [Fredrich Rothberg] Fred starts to realize just how much cash you just dropped and probably puts together with your speech that you're a noblewoman. He seems suddenly defused. "Right away miss."
Dane: [GM] Rothberg packs up your purchases and takes your money, now in a much better mood.
Soo: [Kali dVostog] "Thank you, now. If I were to be hiking but I didn't want to be too far from others for safety, where would I go? To hike near other people?" She winks like hell as she implies it all.
Dane: [Fredrich Rothberg] "Well, the south side of town has a trail to the shallow side of the mountian. It's a good place to take a group." He winks back. "Of course, I'm not in the business of giving directions."
Soo: [Kali dVostog] Kali nods and turns to leave with the purchases. "Thank you."
Joe: [OOC] My murder-boner is feeling entirely unjustified.
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